Van Nest Assembly of God has become a House of Prayer For All Nations. My wife and I became Pastors of this church in 1990, following Pastor Dominick Tuminaro, who had been Pastor for 40 years. The church already had a solid core group of people that loved prayer. One of the key services for the week was the Wednesday night Prayer Meeting. That is still a key service each week.

Soon after we arrived a Ladies Prayer Meeting began on Tuesdays at 12:00 noon. That prayer meeting of about 40-50 still goes on today, with men now also attending.

Before we came to the Bronx, for 13 years, I had been with the Tabernacle in Orchard Park, NY, under Pastor Tommy Reid. During that time I was privileged to go to Seoul, South Korea to be in a pastors conference at Full Gospel Central Church, under Paul Yonggi Cho. I was able to see the power of prayer in action. Early morning prayer especially impacted me.

Here at Van Nest I would occasionally mention 5am prayer meetings, and in 1997 some of our men began coming into the church sanctuary for prayer from 5-7am. These prayer meetings were about “soaking prayer.” In August, 1997, the Holy Spirit directed me to attend these 5-7am prayer meetings.

Here we are in 2020, and soaking prayer from 5-7am, Monday through Friday is still happening!

In addition to all of this, we are blest with many people from Ghana that attend our church services. For the past few years our Ghanaian members have been leading powerful intercessory prayer every Friday night from 11:00pm-3:00am! Many attend this prayer meeting.

Prayer, worship, and the Presence of God are the main things here. The Word says that the early church members were “devoted to prayer.” We want to be a church where devotion to prayer is the main thing. And we are a church made up of people from many nations.

Van Nest Assembly of God is House of Prayer For All Nations.  This local church in the Bronx has become a place where the great spiritual movements of South Korea and Africa have converged.  Churches like Van Nest Assembly of God have modeled for decades  believing tenacious prayer.

Let’s pray that our churches and movements will increasingly become movements of prayer.  We commit to knock until Jesus answers.

Rev. David Hernquist
Bronx NY
Rev. Hernquist is leading a network of churches to impact a language in Tanzania in the Share Light campaign.